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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


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Our Work

EAC aligns country-level educational challenges and tailors its problem-solving efforts to the needs of each and every child it plans to enrol in its projects. To this end, EAC has refocused its resources, projects, and strategic partnerships in line with the following principles:

  1. Adopt a rights-based approach to Education

    Protect children’s universal right to learn by working with partners to overcome barriers that prevent them from accessing quality primary education.

  2. Identify countries and partners with larger out of school children

    Identify countries with a substantial number of OOSC and/or partners with a proven track record and high reach in supporting the OOSC population. Be it for the former or the latter, EAC offers technical and financial support to successfully scale up existing initiatives in these high-potential countries.

  3. Commit to evidence-based programming (or decision making)

    Support informed decision-making with sound educational data. The research EAC relies on highlights national, regional and other disparities, analyses the impact of national and international investments in education, and maps out major partners that are active in the field.

  4. Work within the context of national education plans

    Align project activities with a country’s national education plans, building on the role, responsibility, and accountability governing authorities hold in ensuring that every child has access to quality education. As such, EAC ensures that its efforts engage and involve the most influential stakeholders and policymakers in target countries for scale and impact.

  5. Emphasise lifelong learning for personal development

    In protecting the right to quality primary education for marginalised segments, contribute to each individual’s ability and skills development beyond academia, empowering them to act on their own behalf and make informed choices that lead to a dignified and meaningful life.

  6. Harness the power of partnerships

    Recognise the importance of partnership in supporting effective joint programming for hardest-to-reach OOSC affected by poverty, conflict, natural disasters and social barriers, through innovative and novel approaches to learning.

  7. Promote value creation through power partnerships

    Catalyse and accelerate quality education opportunities for OOSC, by leveraging creative and strong partnerships with organisations that have successful, tried and tested models in this space.   By acknowledging and building upon and around others’ good work, there is no need to “reinvent the wheel”.

  8. Ensure programming sustainability

    Recognising that multi-year support is no substitute for sustainable education programming, help mobilize long-term funding sources from implementing partners through the promotion, replication, expansion of strategies that are proven to reach and keep millions of children in learning.

  9. Learn from monitoring and evaluation

    Collect, analyse and use data on opportunities and obstacles that arise for OOSC as they access and successfully complete their quality primary education course.

  10. Advocate for out of school children

    Commit to building a global alliance to advocacy for the right of every child to be enrolled in primary education. As a partner in the global education community, EAC works to raise awareness amongst influential stakeholders on the human and economic costs of missing out on education for children, families, and communities.


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser



total beneficiaries




retention rate

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered