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About EAA

Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


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EAA Strategy

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EAA’s Vision Strategy & Goals

At EAA, we are committed to transforming the lives of the most marginalized people by enabling access to quality education and employment opportunities. Our strategy supports local, regional and global educational development, significantly enhancing the educational journeys of our beneficiaries.

Thanks to our effective approach, EAA has earned firm commitment and support from stakeholders and partners worldwide. We focus on ensuring the sustainability of our operations in a dynamic and demanding environment, continuously adapting our strategy to remain aligned with our objectives. We aspire to create lasting, high-quality impacts in our target communities, ensuring our efforts resonate deeply and sustainably.

We are implementing our new strategy for 2024-2029, which significantly enhances our approach. This strategy deepens our commitment to country-specific support, enhancing collaboration with governments and local organizations. It also focuses on greater integration between EAA programs, establishing a full ecosystem of intervention from primary education to employment opportunities. We aim to create a comprehensive and seamless educational journey for our beneficiaries, ensuring continuity and depth in our educational initiatives.


A world where every individual has equal access to quality education.


Transforming lives through education, empowering the most vulnerable and marginalized populations.


Provide Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable access to quality education.

Promote and Protect the Right to Education

Advocate and campaign for the full implementation of the right to education with a focus on accountability


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Continue emphasis on individuals and groups* who are hard to reach and marginalized and start using disaggregated data to measure progress on each of these groups.

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Interconnection (Multi-sector)

Position education as a precondition and outcome of sustainable development and identify education-related synergies with other SDG goals to build on integrated responses.

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Results Orientation

Expand focus to include impact-oriented measures for all programmes.

What: Transforming the Lives of Millions Through Education

At Education Above All, we are committed to transforming lives through targeted educational initiatives that address the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized populations. Our actions are designed to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Increase access to quality education: We ensure that the most marginalized and vulnerable populations can access education, aligning with our mission of inclusivity, equality, and addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged communities.
  • Improve retention rates and educational outcomes: By enhancing the quality of education, we empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for their personal and societal development. Our initiatives aim to improve both retention rates and educational outcomes, ensuring that education has a lasting impact.
  • Influence policy and shape education discourse: Education Above All advocates for inclusive and equitable education policies. We mobilize support from stakeholders and work to create an enabling environment for change, actively influencing education policy and discourse at all levels.
  • Foster employment opportunities through education and skills development: We believe in the power of education to transform economies. Our programs equip youth with essential skills, including green skills for the green economy, enabling them to secure employment and contribute to their communities and economic development.
  • Enhance capacity building and knowledge sharing: We are committed to strengthening the capacities of educational systems and communities. Through partnerships and collaborative projects, we facilitate knowledge sharing and capacity building, enabling sustainable changes and long-term educational improvements.

Through these efforts, we continue to champion the transformative power of education as a catalyst for development and peace across the globe.

EAA Wave 04 Vision

By Wave 04, EAA will be a globally recognizable foundation and education player. We aspire to be the global voice for educating vulnerable and marginalized populations.

EAA Wave 04 Vision

How: Strategies for Impact

At Education Above All, our approach to achieving impactful educational outcomes is systematic and multifaceted. Here’s how we do it:

  • Remove barriers to education: Our programs are designed to remove barriers to education through tailor-made and innovative solutions. By addressing specific challenges faced by marginalized communities, we ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn in an environment that caters to their needs.
  • Advocate for education protection: We actively engage in advocacy efforts to influence educational policies and practices. By participating in policy dialogues and presenting evidence-based research, we aim to create an enabling environment for equitable access, ensuring that education remains a top priority for governments and stakeholders. Additionally, we offer legal support to victims of attacks on education, contributing to the protection of educational institutions and communities.
  • Collaborative partnerships: We build and maintain strong partnerships with governments, multilateral aid agencies, NGOs, and educational institutions around the world. These collaborations enhance our ability to finance and deliver programs effectively, ensuring that our educational initiatives reach those who need them most.
  • Innovative financing model: In response to evolving educational needs and the desire for sustainable funding, we implement diversified funding sources through mechanisms such as debt relief, education bonds, and enhanced collaboration with Development Banks. These strategies are crucial for providing sustainable financing for educational development and allow us to expand our reach and deepen our impact.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Rigorous monitoring and evaluation are central to our strategy. We continuously assess the effectiveness of our interventions, allowing us to learn from our experiences, adapt our approaches, and maximize the impact of our programs.

EAA Key Achievement in Figures

Since inception:

  • $2.6 billion engaged in projects, including $0.7 billion from QFFD
  • +100 projects implemented
  • +60 countries covered by EAA
  • 14.5 million out-of-school children received quality education
  • 9,099 scholarships with a retention rate of 89.5%
  • 110,085 youth trained or engaged with knowledge relating to global citizenship and sustainable development
  • 5 Assalam schools built

SOURCE: Technical reports submitted to SPR by programmes and departments, valid as of 31 December 2023.


"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser



total beneficiaries




retention rate

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered