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Opening up a world of education

Children love to learn. If they are denied access to knowledge, we also deny them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Education for OOSC in Pakistan

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In partnership with EAC, The Citizens Foundation’s Education for OOSC in Pakistan project targets out of school children from marginalized communities in low income and conflict-ridden (sectarian/religious) areas, of Pakistan who have been deprived from educational opportunities.
© The Citizens Foundation

With support from EAC, The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is inducting OOSC into primary education at TCF schools across Pakistan. It is estimated that approximately 18,000 to 23,000 OOSC will be inducted annually. Over a four-year period, a total estimated 82,710 children will enrol. The project includes community mobilization through door-to-door canvassing; visiting students’ homes to gauge income levels during the scholarship determination process; conducting parent-teacher meetings; hiring teachers and staff from the community; and involving students’ mothers in the Aagahi adult literacy program to enable them to serve as voluntary teacher assistants.

TCF’s work is supported by a network of charities and receives donations both from individuals and corporations. Beyond EAC funding, TCF will provide an additional 5 years of education to the newly enroled children, which will result in their completion of a full course of primary education.

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