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EAA Foundation and IRC Enhance Access to Quality Education for Conflict-Affected Children in Northeast Nigeria

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Education Above All Foundation (EAA)’s Educate A Child programme and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) are pleased to announce the successful completion of their collaborative project, "Improving Access to Education for Conflict-Affected Children in Northeast Nigeria."

The two-year initiative targeted the enrolment of out of school children (OOSC) in the Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States of Northeast Nigeria, areas severely affected by extremist violence and insurgency.

Against a goal of reaching 20,000 of the most marginalised OOSC with quality primary education, the project not only met, but exceeded this goal by ultimately enrolling 21,589 children between the ages 7 of 14 into non-formal education, surpassing the target by 8 per cent. The establishment of 643 non-formal education centres within community primary schools, along with the renovation of 29 classrooms, has provided these children with a much more conducive-learning environment.

Moreover, the joint project achieved significant success in transitioning enrolled children into the formal education system, thereby bridging the education gap. In addition, bursary support, in the form of scholastic materials (exercise books, pencils, and a school bag) at the point of enrolment, proved critical and reached 14,213 children (7,268 girls and 6,945 boys) across 48 formal primary schools in the BAY States.

IRC facilitator Fatima teaching OOSC in Nigeria

In response to concerns related to the volatile security situation, the project implemented robust mechanisms to enhance the safety of children traveling to and from school and during their time at school.

Dr Mary Joy Pigozzi, Executive Director of EAA's Educate A Child programme, expressed enormous appreciation at the project's achievements in light of the challenges that conflict poses. She notes, "This project exemplifies our commitment with our partners to providing quality primary education to those affected by barriers beyond their control, in this case, insecurity and conflict. Exceeding the OOSC enrolment target is not only a testament to the positive impact we can have on the lives of children, but the fact that we can enable children to realise their right to education in extremely challenging circumstances as well."

“Our collaborative project with the Education Above All Foundation marks a significant milestone in our shared mission to provide quality education to conflict-affected children in Northeast Nigeria. The successful completion of this initiative underscores the transformative power of education in restoring hope and stability to communities ravaged by violence and insecurity. We remain steadfast in our commitment to improving education access for vulnerable children, recognising it as a cornerstone for building resilience and fostering a brighter future in regions affected by conflict,” says Babatunde Ojei, IRC Country Director, Nigeria

For more information, please contact: 

Mohamed Al-Amri
Senior Media Relations Specialist 
Education Above All
Mobile: +974 5000 9960

Patience Rusare
Senior Media Specialist 
Education Above All Foundation
Mobile: +974 5993 1560



"Humanity will not overcome the immense challenges we face unless we ensure that children get the quality education that equips them to play their part in the modern world." -- HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser



total beneficiaries




retention rate

2.6 million+

Skills training provided to teachers, school staff, and community members

1 million+

Youth Empowered